Ever read the story about a king and the well of the insane?

Let's change that story up a bit, instead of the whole populace going nuts overnight, the town has a slew of wells, but only one is poisoned (like the Broad Street pump), so only a subset of the people lose their marbles. What do you do? What happens when remaining wells start pumping the same poison?

Like parents say, "Would you jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it?" However, jumping off a bridge to certain injury or death looks like bad hyperbole. Lots of things in life pay off nicely in the short run, but over the long haul prove quite detrimental (buying a house at inflated prices, dropping Modafinil to keep an edge on classmates, breeding horses with lightweight leg skeletal structure, etc.)

Part of the problem lies in people pushing for a competitive advantage. Dilbert chronicles the endless march of management fads tried by companies trying to find a way to beat the currently winning competition. The more it looks like the gamble will pay off, the more users will jump on bandwagon, worsening the social impact.

On the other hand, being left out just plain sucks. It's no fun as an adult, and it feels even worse as a kid. So let's spice the story up.

Say the wellwaters of the insane only affect children. After kids go ape, they try to get other kids to drink from the well. What chance do you think you have as a parent? What do you do?