
Dominic Cummings has a plea for regime change which arrived at the same time as the latest Dune reboot.

(1) Silicon Valley is still an outsider. The impact of external changes are usually short-lived, cf. Mongols and the Yuan dynasty, or The Pentagon Wars.

(2) Were there ever a place for `hic sunt dracones', national-level politics is it. Two relatively good (though small and at a remove) success stories can be found in The Rickover Effect (throughout) and The Power Broker (first third of the book).

(3) Good luck finding the fool that will run. That said, this is national politics and there probably are current versions of Ross Perot or Ralph Nader who are both credible and naive/megalomaniacal enough to split their party's vote.

(4) No reform goes unpunished. Lincoln killed a slew of people, and Prohibition / the War on Drugs funded generations of gangsters.

(5) One way to read `Dune' is that it is Lord Acton writ large: power corrupts and it pays to be paranoid about that. When the fit hits the shan, instead of `reform' it is far better to work within the system to purge abuses and shore up its defenses. If you believe you can attack it, then so do others.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt are not friends of Democracy, and it is a strategic mistake to campaign on them instead of remedying injustices. And just as in the Dune series, Cummings fears for the future when he should be fearing the sequelae of his own actions.