I just got a call from Sherry Mullin on behalf of CongressNazi Tom DeLay. She informed me that I had been nominated for a "National Leadership Award".

<Bill Cosby>Right.</Bill Cosby>

Me, a National Leader. Hilarious.

I google'd for "Tom DeLay 'National Leadership Award" and it appears to be a money-raising scheme. Essentially, Tom DeLay is saying I'll use you in a political ad supporting my agenda and you'll pay me $300 for that privilege and honor. I can't really blame him, though, he's just trying to maintain his CongressNazi epithet.

My financial statement analysis class recommends getting the Wall Street Journal, so I subscribed. They have significant discounts available for students which include online access (basically $50/year). http://www.collegejournal.com/ has a link to subscribe as a student. The bad thing is that the WSJ is going to eat my mornings. ;)