After reading some Emily Dickinson for our book club, I chose the following:

I shall know why -- when Time is over -- 
And I have ceased to wonder why -- 
Christ will explain each separate anguish
In the fair schoolroom of the sky -- 

He will tell me what "Peter" promised --
And I -- for wonder at his woe --
I shall forget the drop of Anguish
That scalds me now -- that scalds me now!
I really like the reduplication in this, with the emphasis on how her torments keep recurring (either through capitalization or exclamation). Plus, the youthful rage reminds me of my teenage years.

I Years had been from Home
And now before the Door
I dared not enter, lest a Face
I never saw before

Stare solid into mine
And ask my Business there --
"My Business but a Life I left
Was such remaining there?"

I leaned upon the Awe --
I lingered with Before --
The Second like an Ocean rolled
And broke against my ear --

I laughed a crumbling Laugh
That I could fear a Door
Who Consternation compassed
And never winced before.

I fitted to the Latch
My Hand, with trembling care
Lest back the awful Door should spring
And leave me in the Floor --

Then moved my Fingers off
As cautiously as Glass
And held my ears, and like a Thief
Fled gasping from the House -- 
This is very Poe, but I still love this dramatization of a fear.

We introduce ourselves
To Planets and to Flowers
But with ourselves
Have etiquettes
And awes
This is just pure Emily defining. Big World, small emily; excepting, of course, her oafish missteps. Time to read Prozac Nation.