Sunday 2016-10-16

The Business Times has refreshed its Weekend edition to make it more like the New York Times Sunday edition.

The good news is that they are working more with graphical data. However, it would be awesome to add in more history. For example, check out this piece:

We don't really care about the tech's shoes. So we could crop that, and expand the bar chart. Each bar could be thinner, allowing us to add in much more historical data, so that we could start with decennial level data, then yearly, and finally quarterly as shown.

One of the prime differentiators of the Business Times over the Straits Times is that the BT will go the extra step to provide P/E ratios for companies and price/square-foot for property, which allows readers to quickly see where the market is in terms of price. It would be great to expand that same extra-step-taking to its charts as well.