Dugsong (yeah, that guy) has two python packages:
dpkt and pypcap for automating packet analysis and generation.
Using the thread manager from ThreadsWithPython I hacked up a test packet spewer quicker than I expected:
import dpkt, sys, socket, time
import ThreadManager, IPv4
def ping(args):
sock, ip, id = args
if id == None: id = 0xffff
icmp = dpkt.icmp.ICMP(
data=dpkt.icmp.ICMP.Echo(id=id, seq=1, data='AAAA')
start = time.time()
sock.sendto( str(icmp), (ip, 1) )
except (socket.timeout, socket.error), e:
return (ip, str(e))
return (ip, time.time() - start)
def report(var_args):
print var_args
sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.getprotobyname('icmp') )
m = ThreadManager.Manager(ping, report, 128)
for i, ip in enumerate(IPv4.iter( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] ) ):
m.spawn(sock, ip.rstrip(), ((i+1) & 0xffff) )
I mean really, what's the point of being root if you don't get to write some raw packets???