Friday 2010-10-15
Steve Newcomb blogged about creating cults out
of one's workplace. Let's take his laundry list of recommendations and try to place them in terms
of Cialdini's Influence framework (Scarcity, Commitment/Consistency, Liking, Authority, Reciprocation, Social Proof)
to see whether he left any methods untouched.
- If/Then Statements (Hiring Dependencies)
Commitment - Employee me agrees to sign up
Social Proof - Look at all the other names
Liking - And I even like them, too
- Full-time, Equity-only
Commitment - I must really like this company, since I took so much equity and so little pay
- Suspend Disbelief (Hire awesome people)
- Interviewing = Dumb (Hire awesome people)
- Hire Slowly, and when defenestrating, let Gravity do the work (Hire awesome people)
- Super A = pseudo-math cause I'm smart (Hire awesome people)
- Team Ownership ( Team Hiring )
Scarcity - difficult to get hired = it must be good
- Treat Candidates Well
Liking - even though i failz0r'd their tests, i'm not a pud, so they must be awesome
Reciprocation - so i'll tell other people about this awesome
- Engineers Suck (wave hi to the differential pay problem)
None. Replace this problem with the Full-time/Equity-only bit
- Dominate (use the novel to filter for the awesome)
- Rent Gold (sell preparation for the next thing)
- Be transparent in bed
- Trial all the time
Commitment - I put up with constant new carp all the time, I must like this place
- Founders Don't Interview
- Never Let Go (hire awesome people)
- Press Coverage
Social Proof - cool people doing cool stuff covered by cool news outlet, must be good
- Try Before Buying (hire awesome people, use gravity)
- Vetos (hire awesome)
Commitment - I voted that person in, i must want to work with them
Liking - I voted them in, they must rock
Social Proof - Everyone else voted them in, they must really rock
- Double Unanimous (hire awesome)
Same as Vetos, Again
- No negotiation (no prima donna)
- Equity instead of Salary
Same as Full-time / Equity-only
- Miscellaneous
Liking - benefits = good
Reciprocation - stuff for me? i work harder
- One Mile (live close)
Commitment - I moved for this company, it must rock
- Worst case
- 4:20 (in which we flaunt convention)
Authority - only CEO sits in the hot seat
Boiling it all down, Newcomb recommends hiring only awesome people and triggering our commitment/consistency bias
whenever possible.