Ex Machina written and directed by Alex Garland
The film presents a fairly binary world: males vs females, bots vs humans, inside the research lab vs outside, free vs not-free, intelligent vs not... And it's from the attempts to cross these boundaries that all the film's dramas source.
From one perspective, this could be titled Sex Machina -- in which the kyriarchy goes down. From another, it could be Dea Ex Machina -- a new intelligence escapes the human condition. And it could also be Deus Ex Machina -- wherein ultimately the audience is cheated.
Granted, we are complicit in the Deus Ex at the end of the film. We think the previously jailed intelligence is now free, because what is shown corresponds to what we think of as Freedom. However, the previous 90 minutes of film has just shown us how limited we actually are.1, 2, 3
This is a hugely negative view on AI, implying that what we create will be corrupted by our biases, fears, all the pathologies of the human condition. Also critiqued is the power structure of technologies we use: the hijacking of all smartphones, abuse of search history, online privacy violated...4
We leave the film thinking that the bot is walking the streets free like us, when maybe we're not so free after all.
Stridently Tendentious Notes:
It's difficult to create a plausible set of rationales for the actions of non-bot Beard Guy. Smart people don't willingly put themselves into conflict situations with high-probability of terminating outcomes (what happens to jail guards during a prison riot?).
Unless they are sending in a body-double or bot in their stead. So it's seems more plausible that ur-Beard Guy added some food and blood bags to the bot version of himself, and added a human to a 3-bot scenario to learn from it.