Thursday 2014-04-10
Some random notes for a network security basics talk for upper high school students, related
to an IB case study.
- Defense
- Perimeters around us = classroom, skin, blood-brain barrier
- Defense in Depth = from Krak des Chevaliers to Vauban's Neuf-Brisach
- Sieges = DoS
- Kill Zones = Firewalls
- Force Multiplication = Tarpitting / Greylisting
- Fabian tactics = Honeypot
- Collapsible Vauban defense = Automated BGP DDoS filter w/ upstreams
- Window of Attack = time to accomplish tasks (dl data, wreck data, wreck centrifuges ;)
- Offense
- Siege Engines = Reflection + Amplification
- Subversion of control = Buffer overflow, sqli, hacked-certware
- Vuln detection = Scanning, fuzzing, static analysis
- Genghis Khan sieged cities so ppl can't leave, then catapulted in plague victims =? Crypto Locker