Nate's struggling with editors. He used vim, then emacs, and now apparently openkomodo.

From a lazy programmer perspective, I only want to learn one editor. It should be able to do whatever I want, and its large community should support growth and diversity. The community should show surprising strength over time as I want this editor to be supported fifty years from now.

That means choosing from either emacs, vim, or eclipse. All three have huge, entrenched, warfare-ready communities of support which encourage users to customize their installation and support it. Beyond these three, the drop-off in numbers of users seems rather cliff-like.

Since the community encourages you to customize your setup, put the editor's config in some form of version control. This also flips the "project" bit in your head, so that you start to view the setup as a project that you're actively working with. If you use a client/server or distributed version control system, you automatically have remote backups for your increasingly valuable config.

Choose one editor for life and keep its config under version control.

Eh, I say don't force it. Sometimes you have to try stuff before you can settle on something. Also, I think it's a myth to think you'll get away with using just one editor. For example say you choose emacs, you'll probably still end up using a vi like editor sometimes simply because it's installed on all *nix machines. What about when you occasionally work on Windows? Do you really want have to deal with managing your Vim/Emacs configs on there? I don't (I use Komodo Edit for Windows stuff).
Sure, at work I run cygwin to make windows usable. From pretty much any box, life is just an svn co away. -- Patrick.
Been there done that. I got tired of it. -- David W (sorry forgot to sign the first comment)
I should mention that I primarily use Linux these days. That makes a difference. If I were mostly on Windows I'd probably do the same as you. -- David W
Tired of having things work the same? I guess you thought the cost of a vcs outweighed the benefit? -- Patrick.
Oh, I think you may have misunderstood. I still use a vcs for all my files though these days I use a combination of unison, git and mr instead of svn. What I got tired of was fighting with Cygwin and Vim in Windows. I don't do a ton of Windows work anymore so the pain of getting everything to work to my satisfaction just isn't worth it. -- David W