For a while I used Vim's zellner colorscheme as I use a white background (to match the white walls of my office/room ;). I realized that I only
use colorization for basic spell-checking, so I decided to reduce the number of colors on my screen with the
following colorscheme. Basically, I need it to show syntax it recognizes and where strings end, and that's
basically it. It looks like the following, exported from vim using the 'TOhtml' command:
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 import math
3 def __bit_length(number):
4 """ return number of bits required to hold a number"""
5 return int( math.log(number,2) + 1 )
7 def __bit_string(number):
8 """ convert to a binary string (usually for debugging) """
9 ret = []
10 for b in range( __bit_length(number) ):
11 ret.append( str( number & 0x1 ) )
12 number >>= 1
13 return ''.join(ret[::-1])
TOhtml is pretty leet, I use that to export my .vimrc for the web. The html it makes is wicked ugly, but it works. -- Nathan