Azul's 2009 Modern Hardware Crash Course has a great point that the rate of growth in RAM speed is and has been less than that of computing speed. This disparity has existed long enough to make cache misses a very big problem.
Back in 2000, Charlie Rose interviewed Bill Joy and Bill made the comment that the rate of change in evolution is and has been much less than that of culture, and that culture's rate of change is and has been much less than that of technology. Our culture and its institutions simply can not react fast enough; we see this with financial technology and its regulation, deep-sea mining technology and its regulation, etc.1
Additionally, information is the sine qua non of culture; such that any Shared Culture can be seen as the product of meme-synching. This distributed information processing then makes it subject to the CAP Theorem. And given the decided lack of Consistency in culture, we will probably continue to increased levels of inconsistency on an inter-personal level and also on a global level. Even as we ramp up our message-passing....
Or is this analysis flawed?
1 Granted, incentive structures also pay a role. ;)