The Art of Doing How Superachievers Do What They Do And How They Do It So Well by Camille Sweeney and Josh Gosfield
This book is surprisingly good when read only for quotes.
There is a saying that 'You are only as good as your opponent...', but I like to think my opponent is only as good as I let her be.
As I packed, I divided my clothes into two piles: WORK and FABULOUS.
Many wirewalkers have died three feet before arrival because in their heart, they said, "Hey, I did it! I did it!" The audience screams and cheers, you think of your dinner or your paycheck. And then you die.
She has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.
... I've always asked the locals. "Where do I find the best pig barbeque in the South?" "Gator meat in Florida?" "Hatched chilies in New Mexico?" One of my favorites was the Cajun Loser's Gumbo at Jay's Lounge And Cockpit in Louisiana, made from the chicken that lost the fight.
I used to think it was just a white man's sport, but truth is it's a really Zen-like experience... I got hooked about 30 years ago when Willie Nelson bought a little nine-hole course so he could quit doing cocaine.
I did a lot of research on fatigue management. I learned that you could survive on catnaps -- 20 minutes here, 40 minutes there -- for quite some time. But every two or three nights you'll need a couple full hours of sleep.
There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.