Tracing HTTP Requests can done using tcpflow.
It can also be done with tcpdump and awk.
Once upon a time, I wrote a short opinionated guide to awk , which showcased real-world applications of awk, of which TCP flow review is just one.
Since tcpdump -X will output the text, it just needs assembly via awk, eg. tcpdump -qln -nn -X -i em1 port 514 | awk -v re=some.string -f tcp-grep.awk Where tcp-grep.awk is the following:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN { if ( ! re ) { re = "." } } /^\t/ { for (i = 2; i < NF ; i++ ) { bin = bin " " $i } txt = txt $NF; next; } /^[^\t]/ { if ( txt ~ re ) { print hdr, txt, binary ? bin : ""; } hdr = $0; txt = ""; bin = ""; }
And following a tcp flow can be done with the following:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f # add tcp follow-transaction to tcpdump # tcpdump -t -nn -l -i eth0 -s 0 -x tcp port 25 | # OFFSET is 52 for IPv4 + Timestamp Option + TCP BEGIN { if (! TARGET) { TARGET = ""; } if (! REGEXP) { REGEXP = "552 5.0.0 Headers too large"; } if (! DELIM ) { DELIM = "##### TRANSACTION #####"; } if (! OFFSET) { OFFSET = 52; } FLAGS = "[S"; } function unhex(hex, c) { c = strtonum("0x" hex); return ( c == 0x0a || (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x7f) ) ? sprintf("%c", c) : " "; } function process(hold, i, n) { if ( substr(FLAGS, 2, 1) == "S" ) { return; } if ( substr(FLAGS, 2, 1) == "R" ) { return; } if ( substr(FLAGS, 2, 1) == "F" ) { if ( ! (KEY in pkts) ) { return; } if ( match( pkts[KEY], REGEXP ) ) { printf("%s\n%s\n", DELIM, pkts[KEY]); } delete pkts[KEY]; return; } gsub(/[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]/, "& ", hold); n = split(hold, fields); for (i=OFFSET+1; i <= n; i++) { pkts[KEY] = pkts[KEY] unhex(fields[i]); } } /^IP/ { process(hold); hold = ""; gsub(/:/, "", $0); src = $2 ; dst = $4; FLAGS = $6; KEY = (src == TARGET) ? dst : src; } $1 ~ /0x/ { $1 = ""; hold = hold " " $0; }