Why do most computer languages assign variables to the left? x86 assembly and COBOL both mov* or MOVE to assign to the right, but those are the only ones I know.
But I kind of like assign to the right, because of two things: (1) I always start with something I know, and (2) I type from left to right. This means that I should at least try giving rightward assignment a chance. But, that means writing COBOL, right?
Well, not if you use perl's Filter::Simple for a little odyssey.... ;)
use IO::File;
use warnings;
use strict;
use right;
2.718281828 = my $var ;
$var . "\n" | print ;
IO::File->new('/etc/passwd')->getlines |
map { (split(/:/))[0] } |
grep { /nobody/ and printf("saw nobody\n") } ;
A basic filter setup for this is:
package right;
use Filter::Simple;
our $DEBUG = 1;
code => sub {
my @result;
my @lines = split /\;/, $_;
for my $l (@lines) {
# is there an equate? get it out of the way
my $end;
$l =~ /(.*) = (.*)/ and do {
$end = $2;
$l = $1;
# any pipes? reverse 'em
$l =~ / \| / and do {
my @p = split / \| /, $l;
$l = join ' ', reverse @p;
# if we had an equate, fix it
$end ne "" and $l = $end . ' = ' . $l;
push(@result, $l);
$_ = join ';', @result, '';
all => sub { $DEBUG and print };
I've never mucked around with Parse::RecDescent, but this gives me a reason as the above is quick to code but most certainly insufficient.
Heh, Nice! Just a heads up, bloglines doesn't preserve the code formatting...which reminds me I need to check my feed...hrm - Nathan