" Patrick Haller http://www.haller.ws " warn if this vim doesn't have useful things " vim 6 doesn't have a "for" loop let missing = "" if ! has("autocmd") let missing = missing . " autocmd" endif if ! has("cindent") let missing = missing . " cindent" endif if ! has("quickfix") let missing = missing . " quickfix" endif if ! has("syntax") let missing = missing . " syntax" endif if ! has("smartindent") let missing = missing . " smartindent" endif if ! has("vertsplit") let missing = missing . " vertsplit" endif if ! has("viminfo") let missing = missing . " viminfo" endif if strlen(missing) > 0 echo "This Vim doesn't have:" . missing endif if ( v:version >= 700 ) let loaded_matchparen = 1 "vim7 broke matching endif filetype on filetype plugin indent on set nocompatible "prevent vim from thinking about these things set magic "allow later types of regexps set notitle "don't touch my xterm title set showmatch "bounce on (){} set showmode "show insert or command mode set ttyfast "we got fast set incsearch "do incremental searching set nohlsearch "but don't highlight it set smartcase "__> all lowercase search ? ignore case : case sensitive set ignorecase "__^ set hidden "don't ask for a write between buffer switches set autoread "reload file if permissions change due to BufWritePost below set autowrite "write file to disk on :make, :!, :first, :next set number "number the lines set ruler "show ruler, Buftabs_show() uses to list open buffers set showcmd "show the command I'm typing set nojoinspaces "set dictionary=~/etc/vim/snippets "set complete=. "only search the current buffer "if has("completeopt") " set completeopt= "don't pop the purple menu "endif set backspace=2 "backspace over everything (newlines included) set history=50 "keep 50 lines of command line history set laststatus=2 set statusline=%-15.(%l,%c%)\ %h%m%r\ %F set shell=bash "bash good! beer bad! set shiftwidth=4 "autoindent 4 spaces long set tabstop=4 "4column tabs paired with expandtab set softtabstop=4 "make backspace behave nicely when working with spaceheads set mouse-=a "kill the mouse set scrolloff=1 "999 makes cursor is always in center of large files, " zz in normal centers on current line set directory=~/var "store swap-files here set runtimepath+=~/etc/vim "check in here for colors, plugins, etc. set modelines=0 "modelines = sendmail for vim set pastetoggle= set listchars=tab:__,trail:@ set formatlistpat=^\\s+\\d+[\\]:.)}\\s\ ] set wildmode=list:longest " make netrw reasonably usable let g:netrw_hide=1 let g:netrw_longlist=2 let g:netrw_list_hide='^\.[^.].,^\.\/' let g:netrw_browse_split=2 let g:netrw_winsize=50 " XXX this should be a function let g:NERDTreeWinSize=40 "let g:ackprg="ack-grep -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" let g:ackprg="ack" " nuke and pave if has("autocmd") autocmd! endif " load our scripts let old = getcwd() chdir ~/etc/vim/local source abbreviations.vim source breakline.vim source delete-trailing-spaces.vim source echo.vim source filetypes.vim source git.vim source gvim.vim source screen.vim source subversion.vim source snippets.vim source supertab.vim source blog.vim source python.vim source align.vim source todo.vim source color.vim exec 'chdir ' . old